
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00003 mathexpr.h version 2.0
00005 Copyright Yann OLLIVIER 1997-2000
00007 This software may be freely distributed as is, including this whole notice.
00009 It may be modified, but any modification should include this whole 
00010 notice as is and a description of the changes made.
00012 This software may not be sold.
00014 This software or any modified version of it may be freely used in free
00015 programs. The program should include a copy of this whole notice.
00016 If you want to use it in a program you sell, contact me
00018 This software comes with absolutely no warranty.
00020 */
00022 #ifndef _MATHEXPR_H
00023 #define _MATHEXPR_H
00025 #include<string.h>
00026 #include<stdio.h>
00027 #include<stdlib.h>
00028 #include<math.h>
00029 #include<float.h>
00031 // Compatibility with long float-typed functions
00032 #define atanl atan
00033 #define asinl asin
00034 #define acosl acos
00035 #define expl exp
00036 #define logl log
00037 #define powl pow
00038 #define pow10l(x) pow(10,x)
00039 #define fabsl fabs
00040 #define cosl cos
00041 #define sinl sin
00042 #define tanl tan
00043 #define fmodl fmod
00044 #define sqrtl sqrt
00047 // Warning : if ints are short, everything will fail with strings longer than 32767 chars
00050 const float ErrVal=DBL_MAX;
00052 //Class definitions for operations
00054 class RVar{
00055 public:
00056     char*name;float*pval;
00057     RVar(){name=NULL;pval=NULL;};
00058     RVar(const RVar&);
00059     RVar(const char*,float*);
00060     ~RVar();
00061     friend int operator==(const RVar&,const RVar&);
00062 };
00063 typedef RVar* PRVar;
00065 enum ROperator{ErrOp,Juxt,Num,Var,Add,Sub,Opp,Mult,Div,Pow,Sqrt,
00066                NthRoot,Abs,Sin,Cos,Tg,Ln,Exp,Acos,Asin,Atan,E10,Fun};
00068 typedef void ((*pfoncld)(float*&));
00070 class ROperation;
00071 typedef ROperation* PROperation;
00072 class RFunction;
00073 typedef RFunction* PRFunction;
00075 class ROperation{
00076     pfoncld*pinstr;float**pvals;float*ppile;RFunction**pfuncpile;
00077     mutable signed char containfuncflag;
00078     void BuildCode();
00079     void Destroy();
00080 public:
00081     ROperator op;
00082     PROperation mmb1,mmb2;
00083     float ValC;const RVar* pvar;float*pvarval;
00084     RFunction* pfunc;
00085     ROperation();
00086     ROperation(const ROperation&);
00087     ROperation(float);
00088     ROperation(const RVar&);
00089     ROperation(char const*sp,int nvarp=0,PRVar*ppvarp=NULL,int nfuncp=0,PRFunction*ppfuncp=NULL);
00090     ~ROperation();
00091     float Val() const;
00092     signed char ContainVar(const RVar&) const;
00093     signed char ContainFunc(const RFunction&) const;
00094     signed char ContainFuncNoRec(const RFunction&) const; // No recursive test on subfunctions
00095     ROperation NthMember(int) const;int NMembers() const;
00096     signed char HasError(const ROperation* =NULL) const;
00097     ROperation& operator=(const ROperation&);
00098     friend int operator==(const ROperation& ,const float);
00099     friend int operator==(const ROperation& ,const ROperation&);
00100     friend int operator!=(const ROperation& ,const ROperation&);
00101     ROperation operator+() const;ROperation operator-() const;
00102     friend ROperation operator,(const ROperation&,const ROperation&);
00103     friend ROperation operator+(const ROperation&,const ROperation&);
00104     friend ROperation operator-(const ROperation&,const ROperation&);
00105     friend ROperation operator*(const ROperation&,const ROperation&);
00106     friend ROperation operator/(const ROperation&,const ROperation&);
00107     friend ROperation operator^(const ROperation&,const ROperation&);  // Caution: wrong associativity and precedence
00108     friend ROperation sqrt(const ROperation&);
00109     friend ROperation abs(const ROperation&);
00110     friend ROperation sin(const ROperation&);
00111     friend ROperation cos(const ROperation&);
00112     friend ROperation tan(const ROperation&);
00113     friend ROperation log(const ROperation&);
00114     friend ROperation exp(const ROperation&);
00115     friend ROperation acos(const ROperation&);
00116     friend ROperation asin(const ROperation&);
00117     friend ROperation atan(const ROperation&);
00118     friend ROperation ApplyOperator(int,ROperation**,ROperation (*)(const ROperation&,const ROperation&));
00119     ROperation Diff(const RVar&) const; //  Differentiate w.r.t a variable
00120     char* Expr() const;
00121     ROperation Substitute(const RVar&,const ROperation&) const;
00122 };
00124 class RFunction{
00125     float*buf;
00126 public:
00127     signed char type;
00128     float ((*pfuncval)(float));
00129     ROperation op;int nvars;RVar** ppvar;
00130     char*name;
00131     RFunction();
00132     RFunction(float ((*)(float)));
00133     RFunction(const ROperation& opp,RVar* pvarp);
00134     RFunction(const ROperation& opp,int nvarsp,RVar**ppvarp);
00135     RFunction(const RFunction&);
00136     ~RFunction();
00137     RFunction& operator=(const RFunction&);
00138     void SetName(const char*s);
00139     float Val(float) const;
00140     float Val(float*) const;
00141     friend int operator==(const RFunction&,const RFunction&);
00142     ROperation operator()(const ROperation&);
00143 };
00146 char* MidStr(const char*s,int i1,int i2);
00147 char* CopyStr(const char*s);
00148 char* InsStr(const char*s,int n,char c);
00149 signed char EqStr(const char*s,const char*s2);
00150 signed char CompStr(const char*s,int n,const char*s2);
00151 char* DelStr(const char*s,int n);
00153 #endif

Generated on Sat Mar 15 22:55:57 2008 for Armagetron Advanced by  doxygen 1.5.4