rModel Class Reference

#include <rModel.h>

Collaboration diagram for rModel:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 rModel (const char *fileName, const char *fileName_alt="")
 ~rModel ()
void Render ()

Private Member Functions

void Load (std::istream &s, const char *fileName)

Private Attributes

rDisplayList displayList_
tArray< Vec3vertices
tArray< Vec3texVert
tArray< Vec3normals
tArray< rModelFacemodelFaces
tArray< rModelFacemodelTexFaces
bool modelTexFacesCoherent

Detailed Description

Definition at line 60 of file rModel.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

rModel::rModel ( const char *  fileName,
const char *  fileName_alt = "" 

Definition at line 242 of file rModel.cpp.

References tDirectories::Data(), in, Load(), tPath::Open(), and tERR_ERROR.

00243 {
00244 #ifndef DEDICATED
00245     //  tString s;
00246     //s << "models/";
00247     //  s << fileName;
00249     std::ifstream in;
00251     if ( !tDirectories::Data().Open( in, fileName ) )
00252     {
00253         if (fileName_alt){
00254             std::ifstream in2;
00255             tDirectories::Data().Open( in2, fileName_alt );
00257             if (!in2.good()){
00258                 tERR_ERROR("\n\nModel file " << fileName_alt << " could not be found.\n" <<
00259                            "are you sure you are running " << tOutput("$program_name") << " in it's own directory?\n\n");
00260             }
00261             else
00262                 Load(in2,fileName_alt);
00263         }
00264         else
00265             tERR_ERROR("\n\nModel file " << fileName << " could not be found.\n" <<
00266                        "are you sure you are running " << tOutput("$program_name") << " in it's own directory?\n\n");
00268     }
00269     else
00270         Load(in,fileName);
00271 #endif
00272 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

rModel::~rModel (  ) 

Definition at line 343 of file rModel.cpp.

References tCHECK_DEST.

00343                {
00344     tCHECK_DEST;
00345 }

Member Function Documentation

void rModel::Load ( std::istream &  s,
const char *  fileName 
) [private]

Definition at line 55 of file rModel.cpp.

References a, b, c, GrowingArrayBase::Len(), MAXVERT, modelFaces, modelTexFaces, modelTexFacesCoherent, Vec3::Norm(), normals, REAL, texVert, vertices, Vec3::x, x, and z.

Referenced by rModel().

00055                                                     {
00057 #ifndef DEDICATED
00058     modelTexFacesCoherent = false;
00059     bool calc_normals=true;
00061     if (strstr(fileName,".mod")){ // old loader
00062         REAL xmax=-1E+32f, xmin=1E+32f;
00063         REAL zmax=-1E+32f, zmin=1E+32f;
00065         while (in && !in.eof()){
00066             char c;
00068             REAL x,y,z;
00069             int A,B,C;
00070             int num;
00072             in >> c;
00073             switch (c){
00074             case('v'):
00075                             in >> num >> x >> y >> z;
00077                 if (x > xmax)
00078                     xmax = x;
00079                 if (x < xmin)
00080                     xmin = x;
00081                 if (z > zmax)
00082                     zmax = z;
00083                 if (z < zmin)
00084                     zmin = z;
00086                 vertices[num]=Vec3(x,y,z);
00087                 normals[num]=Vec3(0,0,0);
00088                 break;
00090             case('f'):
00091                             in >> A >> B >> C;
00092                 modelFaces[modelFaces.Len()]=rModelFace(A,B,C);
00093                 break;
00095             default:
00096                 break;
00097             }
00098         }
00100         int i;
00101         for (i = vertices.Len()-1; i>=0; i--)
00102 {
00103             Vec3 &v = vertices[i];
00104             texVert[i] = Vec3((v.x[0]-xmin)/(xmax-xmin), (zmax-v.x[2])/(zmax-zmin), 0);
00105         }
00106         modelTexFacesCoherent = true;
00107         for (i = modelFaces.Len()-1; i>=0; i--)
00108         {
00109             modelTexFaces[i] = modelFaces[i];
00110         }
00112     }
00113     else{ // new 3DSMax loader
00114         int offset=0;       //
00115         int current_vertex=0; //
00117 #define MAXVERT 10000
00119         int   translate[MAXVERT];
00121         enum {VERTICES,FACES} status=VERTICES;
00123         int my_vert=1;
00125         while(in && !in.eof()){
00126             char c;
00127             char word[100];
00128             in >> c;
00129             if (c=='*'){
00130                 in >> word;
00131                 if (!strcmp(word,"MESH_TVERT")){
00132                     int n;
00133                     REAL x,y,z;
00134                     in >> n >> x >> y >> z;
00135                     texVert[n]=Vec3(x,1-y,z);
00136                 }
00138                 if (!strcmp(word,"MESH_TFACE")){
00139                     int n;
00140                     int a,b,c;
00141                     in >> n >> a >> b >> c;
00142                     modelTexFaces[n]=rModelFace(a,b,c);
00143                 }
00145                 if (!strcmp(word,"MESH_VERTEX")){
00146                     if (status==FACES){
00147                         status=VERTICES;
00148                         offset+=current_vertex+1;
00149                     }
00151                     float vec[3];
00152                     in >> current_vertex >> vec[0] >> vec[1] >> vec[2];
00153                     int realvert=current_vertex+offset;
00155                     translate[realvert]=-1;
00156                     /*
00157                       for(int i=realvert-1;i>0;i--){
00158                       float dist=0;
00159                       for(int j=2;j>=0;j--)
00160                       dist+= (vec[j]-vertices[i].x[j])*(vec[j]-vertices[i].x[j]);
00161                       if (dist<.1)
00162                       translate[realvert]=i;
00163                       }
00164                     */
00165                     if (translate[realvert]<0){
00166                         translate[realvert]=my_vert;
00167                         //std::cerr << "v " << my_vert;
00168                         for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
00169                             //std::cerr << '\t' << vec[i]*.025; // change inch to meters
00170                             vertices[my_vert].x[i]=vec[i]*.025;
00171                         }
00172                         //std::cerr << '\n';
00173                         my_vert++;
00174                     }
00175                 }
00176                 if (!strcmp(word,"MESH_FACE")){
00177                     status=FACES;
00178                     in >> word;
00179                     in >> word;
00180                     //std::cerr << "f ";
00182                     int face=modelFaces.Len();
00184                     if (strcmp(word,"A:")){
00185                         std::cerr << "wrong face format: expected A:, got " << word << '\n';
00186                         exit(-1);
00187                     }
00188                     int n;
00189                     in >> n;
00190                     modelFaces[face].A[0]=translate[n+offset];
00191                     //std::cerr << '\t' << translate[n+offset];
00193                     in >> word;
00194                     if (strcmp(word,"B:")){
00195                         std::cerr << "wrong face format: expected B:, got " << word << '\n';
00196                         exit(-1);
00197                     }
00198                     in >> n;
00199                     modelFaces[face].A[1]=translate[n+offset];
00200                     // std::cerr << '\t' << translate[n+offset];
00202                     in >> word;
00203                     if (strcmp(word,"C:")){
00204                         std::cerr << "wrong face format: expected C:, got " << word << '\n';
00205                         exit(-1);
00206                     }
00207                     in >> n;
00208                     modelFaces[face].A[2]=translate[n+offset];
00209                     // std::cerr << '\t' << translate[n+offset];
00211                     // std::cerr << '\n';
00213                     word[0]='\0';
00214                 }
00216             }
00217         }
00218     }
00220     if (calc_normals)
00221         for(int i=modelFaces.Len()-1;i>=0;i--){
00222             Vec3 &A=vertices(modelFaces[i].A[0]);
00223             Vec3 &B=vertices(modelFaces[i].A[1]);
00224             Vec3 &C=vertices(modelFaces[i].A[2]);
00225             Vec3 X(B.x[0]-A.x[0],B.x[1]-A.x[1],B.x[2]-A.x[2]);
00226             Vec3 Y(C.x[0]-A.x[0],C.x[1]-A.x[1],C.x[2]-A.x[2]);
00227             Vec3 normal(X.x[1]*Y.x[2]-X.x[2]*Y.x[1],
00228                         X.x[2]*Y.x[0]-X.x[0]*Y.x[2],
00229                         X.x[0]*Y.x[1]-X.x[1]*Y.x[0]);
00230             normal=normal*(1/normal.Norm());
00232             for(int j=2;j>=0;j--)
00233                 normals[modelFaces[i].A[j]]+=normal;
00234         }
00235     for(int i=normals.Len()-1;i>=0;i--){
00236         normals[i]=normals[i]*(1/normals[i].Norm());
00237     }
00239 #endif
00240 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void rModel::Render (  ) 

Definition at line 275 of file rModel.cpp.

References rDisplayList::Call(), rDisplayList::Cancel(), displayList_, glBegin, glEnd, GrowingArrayBase::Len(), modelFaces, modelTexFaces, modelTexFacesCoherent, normals, sr_glOut, texVert, and vertices.

Referenced by gCycle::Render().

00275                    {
00276     if (!sr_glOut)
00277         return;
00278     if ( !displayList_.Call() )
00279     {
00280         // model display lists should definitely be compiled before other lists
00281         rDisplayList::Cancel();
00283         bool texcoord=true;
00284         if (texVert.Len()<0)
00285             texcoord=false;
00286         if (modelTexFaces.Len()!=modelFaces.Len())
00287             texcoord=false;
00288         if ( !modelTexFacesCoherent )
00289             texcoord=false;
00291         if (texcoord)
00292         {
00293             glTexCoordPointer(3,GL_FLOAT,0,&texVert[0]);
00294             glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);
00295         }
00297         rDisplayListFiller filler( displayList_ );
00299         glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
00301         if ( !modelTexFacesCoherent )
00302         {
00303             // sigh, we need to do it the complicated way
00304             glBegin( GL_TRIANGLES );
00305             for(int i=modelFaces.Len()-1;i>=0;i--)
00306             {
00307                 for(int j=0;j<=2;j++)
00308                 {
00309                     glTexCoord3fv(reinterpret_cast<REAL *>(&(texVert(modelTexFaces(i).A[j]))));
00310                     glNormal3fv(reinterpret_cast<REAL *>(&(normals(modelFaces(i).A[j]))));
00311                     glVertex3fv(reinterpret_cast<REAL *>(&(vertices(modelFaces(i).A[j]))));
00312                 }
00313             }
00314             glEnd();
00316         }
00317         else
00318         {
00319             // glDrawElements works
00320             if (normals.Len()>=vertices.Len())
00321             {
00322                 glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT,0,&normals[0]);
00323                 glEnableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);
00324             }
00325             glVertexPointer(3,GL_FLOAT,0,&vertices[0]);
00326             glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
00328             glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES,
00329                            modelFaces.Len()*3,
00330                            GL_UNSIGNED_INT,
00331                            &modelFaces(0));
00332         }
00334         glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);
00335         glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
00336         glDisableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);
00338         glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
00339     }
00340 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

rDisplayList rModel::displayList_ [private]

Definition at line 62 of file rModel.h.

Referenced by Render().

tArray<Vec3> rModel::vertices [private]

Definition at line 64 of file rModel.h.

Referenced by Load(), and Render().

tArray<Vec3> rModel::texVert [private]

Definition at line 65 of file rModel.h.

Referenced by Load(), and Render().

tArray<Vec3> rModel::normals [private]

Definition at line 66 of file rModel.h.

Referenced by Load(), and Render().

tArray<rModelFace> rModel::modelFaces [private]

Definition at line 67 of file rModel.h.

Referenced by Load(), and Render().

tArray<rModelFace> rModel::modelTexFaces [private]

Definition at line 68 of file rModel.h.

Referenced by Load(), and Render().

bool rModel::modelTexFacesCoherent [private]

Definition at line 69 of file rModel.h.

Referenced by Load(), and Render().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Sat Mar 15 23:52:57 2008 for Armagetron Advanced by  doxygen 1.5.4