
Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 #ifndef ArmageTron_PARSER_H
00003 #define ArmageTron_PARSER_H
00005 #include "defs.h"
00006 #include "tXmlParser.h"
00007 #include "eCoord.h"
00008 #include "tValue.h"
00009 #include <map>
00010 #include <string>
00012 class eGrid;
00013 class gArena;
00014 class ePoint;
00015 class gGame;
00016 class gWallRim;
00018 #ifdef ENABLE_ZONESV2
00019 #include "zone/zZone.h"
00020 #include "zone/zMisc.h"
00021 #endif
00024 /*
00025 Note to the reader: In the full World idea, the parser should, 
00026 when called, create a full world structure, from the Empire down,
00027 and just return a pointer to it(He, whats to forbit a server from
00028 running 2 independant games?). 
00030 Due to the limitations of the current code, it is best to have a 
00031 pointer to the gGame, the gArena and the gGrid.
00033 */
00035 class gParser : public tXmlResource {
00037     gArena *theArena; /*Patch: All the world structure should be created by the parser*/
00038     eGrid *theGrid; /*Patch: All the world structure should be created by the parser*/
00040     REAL rimTexture; /* The rim wall texture coordinate */
00042     ePoint * DrawRim( eGrid * grid, ePoint * start, eCoord const & stop, REAL h=10000 ); /* Draws a rim wall segment */
00044 public:
00045     gParser(gArena *anArena, eGrid *aGrid);
00046     //    gParser(const gGame *aGame, gArena *anArena, tControlledPTR<eGrid> aGrid);
00047     void setSizeMultiplier(REAL aSizeMultiplier);
00048     void Parse();
00049 #ifdef ENABLE_ZONESV2
00050     zMonitorPtr getMonitor(string monitorName);
00051 #endif
00053 protected:
00054     bool trueOrFalse(char *str);
00055     char *myxmlGetProp(xmlNodePtr cur, const char *name);
00056     int myxmlGetPropInt(xmlNodePtr cur, const char *name);
00057     float myxmlGetPropFloat(xmlNodePtr cur, const char *name);
00058     bool myxmlGetPropBool(xmlNodePtr cur, const char *name);
00059 #ifdef ENABLE_ZONESV2
00060     Triad myxmlGetPropTriad(xmlNodePtr cur, const char *name);
00061     rColor myxmlGetPropColorFromHex(xmlNodePtr cur, const char *name);
00062 #endif
00063     void myxmlGetDirection(xmlNodePtr cur, float &x, float &y);
00065     //    bool isElement(const xmlChar *elementName, const xmlChar *searchedElement);
00066     bool isElement(const xmlChar *elementName, const xmlChar *searchedElement, const xmlChar * keyword = NULL);
00067     bool isValidAlternative(xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar * keyword = NULL);
00068     void processSubAlt(eGrid *grid, xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar * keyword = NULL);
00069     bool isValidCodeName(const xmlChar *version);
00070     bool isValidDotNumber(const xmlChar *version);
00071     bool validateVersionSubRange(const xmlChar *subRange, const xmlChar *codeName, const xmlChar *dotVersion);
00072     bool xmlCharSearchReplace(xmlChar *&original, const xmlChar * searchPattern, const xmlChar * replace);
00073     int validateVersionRange(xmlChar *version, const xmlChar * codeName, const xmlChar * dotVersion);
00074     void endElementAlternative(eGrid *grid, xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar * keyword);
00076     void parseAxes(eGrid *grid, xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar * keyword);
00077     void parseSpawn(eGrid *grid, xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar * keyword);
00078     void parseZone(eGrid *grid, xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar * keyword);
00079     bool parseZoneArthemis_v1(eGrid * grid, xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar * keyword);
00080 #ifdef ENABLE_ZONESV2
00081     void parseZoneArthemis_v2(eGrid * grid, xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar * keyword);
00082     void parseZoneBachus(eGrid * grid, xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar * keyword);
00083     rColor parseColor(eGrid *grid, xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar * keyword);
00084 #endif
00086     void parseWall(eGrid *grid, xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar * keyword);
00088 #ifdef ENABLE_ZONESV2
00089     zShapePtr parseShapeCircleArthemis(eGrid *grid, xmlNodePtr cur, short unsigned int idZone, const xmlChar * keyword);
00090     zShapePtr parseShapeCircleBachus(eGrid *grid, xmlNodePtr cur, short unsigned int idZone, const xmlChar * keyword);
00091     zShapePtr parseShapePolygon(eGrid *grid, xmlNodePtr cur, short unsigned int idZone, const xmlChar * keyword);
00092     void      parseShape(eGrid *grid, xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar * keyword, zShapePtr &shape);
00093     void                 parseMonitor(eGrid * grid, xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar * keyword);
00095     zEffectGroupPtr      parseZoneEffectGroup(eGrid *grid, xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar * keyword);
00096     zMonitorInfluencePtr parseZoneEffectGroupMonitor(eGrid * grid, xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar * keyword);
00097     zEffectorPtr         parseZoneEffectGroupEffector(eGrid * grid, xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar * keyword);
00098     zSelectorPtr         parseZoneEffectGroupSelector(eGrid * grid, xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar * keyword);
00099     zValidatorPtr        parseZoneEffectGroupValidator(eGrid * grid, xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar * keyword);
00100     zZoneInfluencePtr    parseZoneEffectGroupZone(eGrid * grid, xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar * keyword);
00102     typedef std::map<string, std::set<string> > TeamOwnershipInfo;
00103     typedef std::map<string, std::set<string> >::value_type TeamOwnershipInfoType;
00104     void parseOwnership(eGrid *grid, xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar * keyword);
00105     void parseTeamOwnership(eGrid *grid, xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar * keyword, TeamOwnershipInfo & team);
00106 #endif
00107         bool parseShapeCircle(eGrid *grid, xmlNodePtr cur, float &x, float &y, float &radius, float &growth, const xmlChar *keyword);
00109     void parseField(eGrid *grid, xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar * keyword);
00110     void parseWorld(eGrid *grid, xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar * keyword = NULL);
00111     void parseMap(eGrid *grid, xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar * keyword = NULL);
00113     void parseSettings(eGrid *grid, xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar * keyword = NULL);
00114     void parseSetting(eGrid *grid, xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar * keyword);
00116     void parseAlternativeContent(eGrid *grid, xmlNodePtr cur);
00117     /* Experimental features*/
00118     void parseWallLine(eGrid *grid, xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar * keyword);
00119     void parseWallRect(eGrid *grid, xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar * keyword);
00120     void parseObstacleWall(eGrid *grid, xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar * keyword);
00122 #ifdef ENABLE_ZONESV2
00123     void myCheapParameterSplitter(const string &str, tFunction &tf, bool addSizeMultiplier=false);
00124     void myCheapParameterSplitter2(const string &str, tPolynomial<nMessage> &tp, bool addSizeMultiplier=false);
00125 #endif
00127     /* This is a hack that will bring shame to my decendants for many generations: */
00128     float sizeMultiplier;
00129 #ifdef ENABLE_ZONESV2
00130     int currentFormat; // Store the format version of the map currently being parsed. Used to support different format.
00131 public:
00132     tValue::Expr::varmap_t vars;
00133     tValue::Expr::funcmap_t functions;
00134 #endif
00135 };
00137 #endif //ArmageTron_PARSER_H

Generated on Sat Mar 15 22:56:09 2008 for Armagetron Advanced by  doxygen 1.5.4